Pokemon TCG: World Championship Test 2019 - Shintaro Ito
Preț 88.93RON
Pokemon TCG: World Championship Test 2019 - Shintaro Ito
- Nu rata șansa de a obține cele mai bune pachete din lume de Pokemon TCG!
- Jucând cu ei, fiecare antrenor va putea experimenta fiorul Cupei Mondiale de anul acesta!
- Puteți alege dintre patru pachete puternice, replici ale pachetelor jucate la Pokemon TCG World 2019! Învață strategii și combinații câștigătoare și începe să-ți faci propriile planuri pentru Cupa Mondială 2020!
- Fiecare pachet conține:
- 60 de pachete reconstruite gata de joc.
- Cutie de cartonașe pentru Campionatul Mondial 2019
- Manualul Campionatului Mondial 2019
- Broșă exclusivă a Cupei Mondiale 2019
- 1 cod pentru jocul online Pokemon TCG.
- The following information does NOT concern Virtual/Online Products!
- All orders above 250 RON have free shipping in Romania.
- Orders will be delivered in one working day after confirmation. If the order is confirmed between 10:00 AM and 16:00 PM it will be shipped on the same working day.
- Econt and Speedy fees are calculated automatically
- Delivery to Romania
- Time: From 1 to 3 days
- Fees will be calculated automatically on checkout
- Handling time 2 working days
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- Orders will be shipping within two working days after payment confirmation.
- Deliveries outside Bulgaria are delivered by different couriers as follows: Bulgarian Posts, DHL Express, Speedy(if they deliver to the specific destination) and Econt(if they deliver to the specific destination)
- Fees are calculated automatically based on your location/order.